A San Jose DUI lawyer can be of great help for limiting the penalties of a DUI crime and might also assist in reducing various clauses including, installation of an ignition lock, alcohol classes, fees and fines reduction.Once you get arrested for a DUI charge your driver’s license is likely to be taken into custody and you are provided with a piece of paper that is called a DMV Suspension Advisement and Temporary License. This pink carbon document includes:
- information about the offense consequences
- Information about human rights
- Information about how to requesting for an Administrative Per Se (APS) for getting back the license.
One who is convicted of a DUI crime for the first time might have to attend an alcohol education for a time period of nine months. The justice can also instruct to install an ignition lock for the vehicle. Along with that, the person is to be restricted from driving, as his license is suspended for a minimum of thirty days. The convicted needs to the pay the court fees, license reinstatement fees, fines with the help of DMV.
A San Jose DUI Attorney is known to contest for these suspensions, by using his prior work experience for the case. It is very essential to file a DMV hearing within a time period of ten days, from the date of the crime, if not done, can lead to automatic driver’s license suspension.
An attorney that primarily focuses on all the DUI cases will be the best suite for your DUI crime, as he can guide you through the significant points that can be used for getting positive results. There are certain ways, using which you can avoid the charge of automatic license suspension. It can include:
- Not being able to collect blood properly
- Any mistake in the administrative procedures, while pursuing blood and breathing tests
- Unable to get enough evidence
- Unlawful arrest
- Passing the sobriety tests
If the offender is under 21 years of age and does not appear for the court hearing, then he might get his license suspended, for the whole one year. All those, who are above 21, are expected to get their license suspended for a time period of four months, for those who are unable to apply for a DMV hearing. Always remember to hire an attorney that has a record of dealing with DUI cases, similar to yours, and holds a relevant work experience.
A professional San Jose DUI Criminal Lawyer will always recommend you to challenge the DUI charge suspension, else it can lead to the loss of your license. Practically speaking, having a criminal DUI lawyer for prosecuting the DMV hearing, automatically increases the probability of getting successful results.
If you find yourself in such situation, then the best option is to hire an expert DUI attorney that can study the subject of the charges, and provide relevant documentation for the same. You can use platforms like flex app to contact an expert DUI attorney, to discuss the major concerns and get rid of the legal issues for getting the driving license back. Ilexapp will offer a complete list of all the legal attorneys situated in your area, along with the feature of providing immediate assistance from the lawyers.